Innovation Day!

Hi peoples, Yesterday was Innovation day it was really good and the models looked great. This year the grade 5 class did Bionic implants.  My partner and I (Animal lover) did  an insulin pump. an Insulin pump is for people with diabetes. It looked really good!  We chose the insulin pump because my friend has diabetes and we wanted to learn more about it. I learned so much Like…  

  • You have to change your pump every few days
  • There are 3 types of diabetes type 1 type 2 and gestational diabetes 
  • If you go too high or too low you can go into a diabetic coma

Anyway we used a cardboard box, Hot glue, pipe cleaners, paint, paper, etc. I liked building it and watching Are Creation come to life. It was pretty tricky keeping the pouch ( the thing that holds your insulin pump) Tide together with the pipe cleaner. but we persevered and got it done.🙃


here are some pictures of our model and us

Animal lover                      me


I hope you had an amazing and fun innovation day bye   peoples!🙂🫠🎆

my public speech about llamas


Llamas are wonderful creatures! Cute and cuddly… Did you know there are only a few other creatures that are as cuddly as llamas?

Hello, ms. M Hello grade 4. I think you might already know this but my name is Elise. and I’m here to entertain you and educate you about llamas.

You might be thinking what can you possibly have to tell people about llamas? Well first, I’m going to tell you about the history of llamas
Then second why llamas spit and finally some fun facts about llamas.

Paragraph 1

The History of Llamas is going to be very interesting. Don’t believe me, just wait. OK let’s start about 40 million years ago when our llama friends were made. Did you know that llamas names are originally llama glama’s. Did you know that? llamas are not wild, they are tamed. And by the looks of it they are treated well by their owners. By the Inca ancient civilization, the people bred llama and alpacas to do their work. Like pulling things and other helpful things. Now let’s move on to why llamas spit?🦙🦙🦙

Paragraph 2

Have you ever wondered why llamas spit? Well, you are about to find out. And before I tell you about why they spit. I’ll tell you what llamas spit actually is. Well you see… llamas spit isn’t actually just spit it’s saliva with a bit of gastric fluid ( gastric fluid is water from the stomach) . And now the moment we have all been waiting for: why do llamas spit? Ok llamas spit because they are actually trying to interact with you. That is how they do it! A human might say Hi friend to start a conversation BUT llamas can’t speak so i guess this is the way they do! or thier annoyed with other llamas. And the reason why they spit on humans is because they were probably raised by humans. and see humans as llamas. They are probably spitting on you because it is how they would interact with other llamas. 🦙🤩🦙

Paragraph 3

Here we go. Fun facts about llamas I can’t wait to tell you about them. Did you know that llamas communicate by humming when they are tired, distraught, curious, worried, or happy!!! Did you know that llamas are also herbivores? Did you know that llamas are a part of the camelidae family and include animals like alpacas, camels, and vicunas, and you might also be thinking what do they have in common? Well they are all herbivores and they all have three stomachs. And 3 million years ago llamas started to migrate to South America and people broght llamas to America like Zoos, animal parks, exotic trainers, and collectors. And last but very not least there are about 160,000 llamas and 100,000 alpacas in America and Canada!!!


It is clear that llamas are cute and cuddly and super fun to be around!!! BUT BE Careful they don’t spit on you!!! before you go did you know you can rent a llama for a hike right here in Ottawa! It is located in maple farm Ottawa. So maybe swing on by there and rent a llama yourself. I bet it will be a blast and maybe fall in love with llamas. I hope you found my speech LLAMAZING!!!!!!!

Great wall of china

Hello people I made the great wall of china with my friends Raz and dogboy it was really fun! Here is how it turned out…

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts | Britannica








we made a research project about Ancient china and we researched their clothes, food, and family, and ancient artefacts, and the timeline. i will now tell you 2 facts about ancient china. Did you know that one family can take over a whole throne (that means they can over power a kingdom.) ancient china has bin in a lot of wars and were talking thousands !!!! but a guy named Mozi said move  faward from  non – aggression  and talk instead of fight and wars. and make peace.




I think i did well on doing my part and getting them done.

and i liked building the great wall of china to it was really fun!!!

i wish we had a whole plan planned out before we started i think that would have made it go a lot faster.

and maybe organised are poster a bit more.



I think Ancient China is a great place to tour in and or live in it has lots of history and great Art pieces so maybe take a plane there and go see the Amazing place of Ancient China!!!


Stop Motion

Hello people! I did a stop motion all about the wild robot!!! The Wild Robot is this amazing book all about a robot There are twists and turns. And if you read this book you will be up for a wild experience! So here is a clip of The Wild Robot. and the work we did.

Here is the script.

Here is the set design.

Here is the storyboard.

…and the moment we were all waiting for. Here is my stop motion video:


sound unit

what is sound

hello wold today we’re going to talk about sound. sound is made from vibrations moving through the air.

how do you hear?

Did you know you have something called an eardrum. the eardrum is the one that picks up the vibrations. then your eardrum then vibrates. the vibrations are also none as sound waves. and now i have to say one more thing so at the end of all most every blog posed  i’m going to put a video. well that’s all for me bye yall!

What are the Properties of sound:

  • sound travels
  • sound can be reflected
  • sound can absorbed
  • sound can be modified (changed)
  • sound is caused by vibrations



My experiments:

We looked at how sound travels through solid, liquid and gases. Here we are listening to sound through our desks:

Here is my experiment write up:

Here is the vibrations experiments where we used tuning forks:


The Ear

sound is just vibrations but those vibrations hit your ear and it does’t just hit your ear it it’s a hole sic




Intro – explain what the blog is about

hi people i’m going to talk about habitats.



3-5 key facts and an image about each habitat including: 

  • Habitats can be anywhere. You always need the appropriate clothing for different habitats. Like seasons.
  • There is always a predator and a prey in habitats. For example, a snake is a predator and a camel is a prey.
  • In the ocean, the fish (like clown fish) eat various small invertebrates and algae.

Here is a picture of a desert habitat.